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Weekend Round Up - 10th & 11th February 2024

Weekend Round Up - 10th & 11th February 2024

Victoria Boulton13 Feb - 08:32
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Goals, goals, goals! 36 scored from 9 games on Saturday.

Saturday 10th February

Home Fixtures

Mens 4s vs Bishop's Stortford 6 - 2-1 loss

M4s returned to badger field, looking to follow up their great performance from last week.

The game started slowly, with the visitors having more of the possession and better chances, but were thwarted by some resolute defending and good keeping from White.

The home team started to play their passing hockey style, causing BS to rotate their side as they tired. From a swift attack down the left side, Fin Louis and Ethan created triangles that the visitors couldn’t get near, and led to a penalty corner.

The injection was slightly off target, but Ethan managed to have 2 attempts at goal, before Phil showed him how to convert. The home side saw out the remainder of the half without issue.

The start of the second half saw the visitors press higher, as the team talk had suggested, and this led to an equaliser from a broken down penalty corner.

The 4s rallied and had a real go for the remainder of the game. Noah and Phil had efforts saved well by the visitors keeper, Noah also died a shot just wide, and a one two with MOTM Kieron, left the latter with an open goal, but he just couldn’t get his stick to the ball. Phil had a run in with an umpire and then had a dramatic fall in the corner of the pitch, which led to DOTD.

With just minutes left, the home side continued to press for the winner, only succumbing to a breakaway winner for the visitors with almost the last touch of the game. A bitterly disappointing end to a fantastic team effort, with this result showing how much they have improved since losing the reverse fixture 6-0.

The whole team deserved full credit, and are listed below
Andy H
Kieron P
Elliot F

Ladies 4s vs St Albans 6 - 4-1 win

The game started in a positive atmosphere, team talk with Lisa whipping the board out to discuss the team tactics and a real sense and determination to win.

The game started on a positive note in the first 10minutes , a few chances in the D at first but couldn’t seem to get the ball in the back of the net. Unfortunately after the first 10 minutes St Albans had a chance in and scored from a short corner.
But Broxbourne didn’t let this get to there heads with a great run from Frankie into the D she managed to get a foot to then getting a short corner, with a great straight strike from Jo she managed to get the ball in the goal! From this point on Broxbourne spirit was lifted, by creating more chances into D. We were able to get another short corner towards the end of the first half, with broxbourne discussing what to do. Sam ejected into Jo, slipped to Alice she then slapped it in , right through the keepers legs it was a cracking goal. This left Broxbourne 2-1 up.

The team talk was well said with more sweets and broxbourne were ready for the second half.

The second half begin with Broxbourne continue to push forward to insure they secured the 3 points this was demonstrated by some good attacking play from the defence into the midfield and then to the forwards. The pressure resulted in several short corners which of a shot that was fired into the keeper which saved and on the rebound with Jo showing 100% commit to make sure the ball crossed the line. it was 3-1, Broxbourne continued to pressure the St Albans back four with the line being well held by Frankie which resulted in a flurry of short corners , several saves from the keeper Alice managed to get a good shot on goal and it deflected off a St Albans player and went in! This left Broxbourne 4-1 up. In the last 10 minutes Broxbourne were worn out as St Albans still had chances in the last 5 minutes with a couple of short corners, but Broxbourne defence were on top of the game and didn’t let them get a chance and Kate doing amazing saves to keep the ball out from the net. It was a great win!
Result 4-1
Player of the Match and Donkey goes to Alice, for forgetting sweets but also great runs and goals.

Ladies 1s vs Upminster 1 - 1-1 draw

After a tough loss last weekend, Broxbourne 1st XI were back on home turf this week as they looked to take on Upminster, who had proved tricky opponents in the first half of the season. Certain squad members were already off to a winning (6/26th) start, as T. Stacey and K. Tart arrived at the pre-match team talk hot off the back of a successful pub quiz. Tart revealed she had run a closeted selection process at the team’s recent charity quiz night, and conceded that only Stacey fulfilled the necessary criteria to make the cut (criteria included: refusal to cheat; abilities to drink beer; acceptance of fanpires). Tart was concerned that question master E. Wilkins would be dismayed at her lack of appointment; however, the right midfielder was distracted after an altercation with her recently purchased Vit D spray left her with a severe infection after she accidently sprayed the herbal remedy into her ear, instead of under her tongue. Wilkins decided to use the recently NHS approved ‘Mangos’ pharmacy services to retrieve much needed antibiotics ahead of the game despite L. Wills being on call for her usual pre-match physiological appointments. It’s rumoured the GP is cutting back on hours in retaliation to the team’s most recent social theatre trip, where she claimed it was “salt in the wounds” for her fellow teammates to take her to a musical featuring six married women.

With the team finally assembled for the warm up, H. Baker took the opportunity to do a live weather update by the canal, where she utilised her Duke of Edinburgh gold award skills section of bird reproduction to conclude that there would be a mild to moderate risk of a storm during the match. Luckily for the fans, the game ran ahead with no meteorological issues, but unfortunately the same could not be said of the Badgers game plan. Despite a high tempo’d warm up, the home side very quickly faced pressure from Upminster, requiring multiple saves on the line from player of the match K. Hellery. Broxbourne managed to regain composure late on in the first half to consolidate their fair share of possession with a roof top goal from youngster M. Saywell. However, celebrations were short lived as the away team converted a short corner in the dying minutes of the first half to leave the score as 1-1.

A strategic half time team talk from manager B.S. Carrott (who was without assistant B. Hoskin who had permission to miss the game to attend the annual Global Ginger’s Slandered in the Work Place conference) rejuvenated the Badgers who took on the second half by storm in an attempt to claim their first three points since early Jan. Despite nail biting opportunities, a slide tackle from E. Wilkins straight past the ball as a result of her antibiotic curried ear and a VAR worthy disallowed goal in the dying minutes of the game, the score remained a 1-1 draw, leaving Broxbourne hungry for a win in their rearranged game against Blueharts this coming Tuesday evening.

Mens 2s vs Southgate Adelaide 1 - 12-0 win

1. Simple Hockey
2. Possession
3. Play Through the Middle
4. Positivity
5. High Standards

The 2’s Principles of Play. You would do well to remember them. If you have, well done, you’re already doing better than half the team…..

How do we manage to keep racking up the wins you ask? Good question, I’m not sure the Principles President Captain Kav even knows, but the 2’s are a fickle bunch, creatures of habit you may say, so I sure won’t question the pre-match Principles team-talk, even if it does mean we miss out on Strictly’s latest wildcard contestant, Alex Brown’s warm up shoulder punches.

This is a match report not a TED talk? Right, lets get into it then.

The Positivity Patrol (men’s 2’s) rocked up to Badger Field looking to make it 14 wins on the bounce and with a strong showing from the Broxbourne Ultras in the stands, the boys in blue set about dismantling the Southgate Adelaide defence.

In typical style, the 2’s took 5-10 minutes to settle. Some would argue we were lulling our oppo into a false sense of security, and come the final whistle, its hard to say otherwise! With some slick passing, good transfers across the back (shoutout Panners) and quick hands, the boys secured their first couple of shorties of the game. They would convert both to speed into a 2-0 lead. A failed routine turned into a glorious deflection with Cool Customer Kegan providing a slap into the D that Sully deftly glanced into the top left corner. El Capitan Kav then unleashed a rocket of a drag flick into the top right.

Southgate Adelaide didn’t have an answer to Broxbourne’s play, and after a couple of goalmouth scrambles it was 4-0, Baller securing two from his now frequented position at the back post. He would also like to point out at this time that he had now secured another Jug owed, taking his total to 9! It you listen carefully, you can hear the muted cries from his now derelict bank account.

More quick interplay from Brox resulted in more chances, one of which fell to Alex Brown who confidently scored the boys 5th with a neat back post tap in.

After a rare foray forward by the Adelaide attack, Metronome Brown found himself alone on the right wing. With the captain’s voice in his ear telling him to halt and turn back, Browny looked up to see a blur over on the left flank. Baller was speeding his way into the D with no defender in sight, knowing that if he could catch the Veteran’s attention, he might be on for a Hat-Trick. Mission accomplished, Browny smashed a hit pass into the D with pinpoint accuracy and Baller reached out one handed. A slick deflection put the ball goal-bound without taking any of the power off the pass and the Badger’s found themselves 6-0 up. An elated Baller had secured his Hat-Trick in style and rushed to thank Mr Brown for the perfect assist.

Our usual stay at home CB, Alex Satwick then decided he would go for a little run, and by little run I mean meander his way through 3/4’s of the Adelaide team creating another chance for the 2’s. It unfortunately deserved more as the chance was squandered, but there are rumours Satwick returned to his defensive half with trail of red behind him due to the altitude nosebleed, a story he fervently denies.

The HT whistle blew and the message was to put down a marker. If we really wanted to compete next year in the league above, we needed to keep those Standards High and show why we were top of the league.

With a professional performance in the 2nd half, the 2’s racked up another 6 goals. You’ll forgive me for not remembering the order but ill try my best to describe some of them.

The ever energetic Sully grabbed a second from close range, and in similar fashion after some quick stick skills in the D, Jack De Price racked up 2 goals (and another Jug!) in quick succession. The Badgers were now 9-0 to the good and wanted more, gluttony who?

A short corner resulted in magic number 10. Browny had called for a Baller Flick with the captain off the field, but in the moments leading up to the injection, Lance could be heard making suggestions. “I’ve got loads of time on the left slip over here Baller, you don’t have to slip it left, i’m just letting you know. I’m not expecting the pass but if you need it, I’ve got loads of time over here on the left slip”

The ball made its way to the top of the D, Browny expertly stopping, and as Baller stepped up, his mind was made. A not so perfect slip left to Lance meant he had to adjust his stance, but adjust he did, and seconds later the ball had nestled in the bottom corner after a slick sweeping shot.

The Captain then scored number 11 with a very cute finish. Baller had made his way to the top of the D, and while in his head he released a rocket of a shot towards goal, he had in fact merely bobbled it towards the Adelaide keeper, alas, Kav neatly hit the ball midair with an upright reverse, giving the GK no chance and sparing Baller’s blushes.

The 12th and final goal of the day secured a second Hat-Trick, this time for Duracell Bunny Sully. Cranners made a crisp pass to Baller on the baseline who whipped a pass across goal to Sully who found himself in front of the keeper, without a defender in sight. With a first time deflection/slap, the ball crashed against the backboard.

As the final whistle blew confirming the 12-0 win, it’s said that Cranners is still looking for his elusive goal, being the only non defender to not find the back of the net. The lack of a goal should not deflect from his overall play however as he seamlessly linked defence with attack throughout the game.

Shoutouts really go to the whole team. Every player put in a top class performance, and I would like to commend the players who don’t feature in the above report. Fantastic job by Rudd, Fresh, Satwick, Kegan and Wafty Joe, earning a well deserved clean sheet, you set the tone for the game and it didn’t go un-noticed.

Away Fixtures

Mens 3s vs Royston 2 - 3-0 win

Match report pending.

Ladies 2s vs Hertford 1 - 4-2 loss

The baguettes ventured to Hertford for a local derby (which apparently Coach Lewis had never heard of despite being from Cuffley). The team managed to pull off a warm up even with a fewer balls and a few missing bits of kit.

A strong start using a new press led to an early goal from Ella to put us ahead. Hertford scored just before half time to mean went into the break all square.

On the restart Hertford came out strong and scored 3 goals in quick succession. Broxbourne managed to settle into the second half and pull one goal back (from Ella again). Broxbourne came close with both Jess and Emily hitting the post, but unfortunately the baguettes didn't leave themselves enough time to finish the comeback.

This week's POM went to Ella for her two goals and confident play all over the pitch.

Despite Lydia forgetting the balls and Kelly not knowing where to stand on a re-start, it was the birthday girl who took the Donkey award for her extra curricular activities resulting in her "missing" kit.

We'd also like to share that our very own Grace was instrumental in the donkey award for the opposition player after being seen straddling the attacker, even with her partner watching from the sidelines.

Ladies 3s vs Berkhamsted & Hemel 2 - 2-2 draw

The Great Comeback

This week the Ladies 3s travelled to the West Hertfordshire countryside of Tring, not to go to the Champneys Spa, but to face Berkhamsted & Hemel Hempstead Ladies 2s.

The team was missing Tors, Ella and Hannah this week, but they still had a 13-strong team with Sharon as acting captain. The Badgers warmed up in light drizzle, complaining that they had been lied to by all weather outlets, but their mood remained positive. However, the heavens opened up to provide a short and sharp drenching of both teams before play even started.

From the outset, the first half was a battle for the Badgers with Berko & Hemel attacking hard using their pacey midfield and forwards to cut through the Badgers' midfield and defence. The Badgers were unsettled with a bouncy pitch, loose balls and a high turnover rate, allowing Berko & Hemel to keep the pressure up. They pressed in our hit outs, proving it hard to get the ball out of the Badgers' defensive third. Berko & Hemel's relentlessness paid off with two goals in the first 30 minutes. The game was tough, but not one-sided, the Badgers did take advantage of switching play across the defensive back line of Millie, Tara and Rachel to open up the field. Sharon tackled hard at the top of the diamond to put the opposition under pressure. There was good link up play with Laura, Kirsty and Freya in midfield to Cerys, Brawny and Fixy upfront which provided a series of short corner opportunities, but the Badgers could not convert them into goals. The bruise count was racking up with a number of hits to the legs and feet on both sides, but just before the end of the half, Rachel decided to stick block with her head, leading to a short corner and a defender off the pitch. The Badgers found themselves 2-0 down at half time.

After a stern tactical chat by Tara and some sweets, the Badgers went out more determined than ever to turn the score around. The second half was a different game with the Badgers passing to each other with more accuracy and intent and making better use of their right side. The Badgers did not give up on the ball. Roisin made some great tackles and forward play in midfield. The Badgers managed to break up the Berko & Hemel press to get the ball from Tara to the midfield, and there was some great forward breaks from Brawny, Cerys and Fixy. The Badgers refused to give up and the forwards put the opposition defence under serious pressure. Their goalkeeper saved some shots on goal, but about 15 minutes into the second half, Cerys used her speed and agility to run into the attacking D from the right-hand side, hitting the ball with such force, the Berko & Hemel defender deflected it perfectly past her own keeper into her own goal.

Now the score was 2-1 and the Badgers didn't stop there. The defensive line of Millie, Lauren and Tara continued to defend hard against the Berko & Hemel forward line. Alisha made some good saves and kicked strong to clear the ball. Berko & Hemel did have a chance to increase their lead, but the tension of the game got too much for their forwards who missed an open line to goal. The Badgers knew this was going to be a battle to the end. The Badgers continued to breakdown Berko & Hemel's midfield and defence with several opportunities in the attacking D, which lead to another series of short corners in the last 10 minutes of the game. Unfortunately, the Badgers were denied a penalty flick, but were rewarded with more short corners. In the last 2 minutes of the game, the Badgers had another chance to level with their last short corner. A strong push out from Fixy reached Laura at the top of the D, then a slip right to Kirsty and back to Laura in the middle; all the other Badgers held their breathe, whilst Laura went onto her reverse, got low, and did the perfect reverse hit which went underneath the diving keeper and nutmegged the last defender on the line to find the back of the goal. Celebrations all round and then the final whistle blew. Game ended in a fair 2-2 draw.

Tara's champagne moment went to Cerys for that goal! Player was a three-way tie between Kirsty, Cerys and Roisin. Donkey went to Rachel for getting hit on the head in the first half and failing to return to the pitch.

Next week is a rest week, but onwards and upwards on the 24th February against Harpenden 2s.

Mens 1s vs Colchester - 8-0 win

Broxbourne mens 1st team made the trip to Colchester, on the back of a disappointing result at home to Potters Bar last week. Broxbourne were without drag flick expert Matt Menear and Skipper Phil, leaving the side with only the 1 sub. With the coaches extensive fitness sessions on a Tuesday night, this was never to be an issue. Due to the lack of parking and majority of the team arriving late for the 12:30 meet time, coach Panners, who was also late, insisted that sometimes these things happen, despite grilling the first team for their poor preparation and lateness the week before.

Despite this, Brox completed an intensive warm up and came out the traps flying, with tricky right back George Blemkin scoring two goals in the opening 10 minutes. The first rebounded kindly to him on the goal line after some patient play from Mitch and Choppo at the top of the D. The second was a gift from the Colchester players, who, like us all, loved seeing George score so ensured he did it again. With the right hand side of Colchester’s defence opening up to let George waltz through and strike a nice finish into the net, giving the deputising skipper his second of the game.

Broxbourne continued to pile the pressure, wining numerous short corners. The third eventually came with Josh Chapman slapping home a calm finish into the bottom corner of the Colchester net putting Brox three to the good. A clench of the fist in celebration from Josh and Broxbourne now with a comfortable lead. The fourth came just before the break with a hit in from Sam Groves which fell generously to Mitch who slotted home, through the keepers legs, giving Brox a 4 goal lead.

Half time arrived and a very happy skipper and coach, with both insisting on doing much of the same. The fifth came minutes into the second half with Sam applying lots of pressure on the Colchester defence and stealing the ball off of the helpless Colchester centre half. With Sam now going through on goal, the keeper made a great save to originally deny him, but luckily for Sam, the ball squandered back to him and he unnecessarily put the ball top corner into an open net. Toby House then got in on the act, grabbing himself a brace from two reverse stick efforts. The first from the tightest of angles and the second powerfully into the net from close range. Ed House then scored his first of the season to make it 8, with the ball ricocheting off of the Colchester keeper, who had probably had enough at this point and finding him at the top of the D. He then unleashed a powerful strike which slammed off of the back board and jubilation commenced. The whole Broxbourne team bundled the midfielder who was wrestled to the ground and crushed by his teammates.

Colchester came close to getting themselves on the scoresheet late on, but keeper Ryan Thomas had other ideas and pulled out a great save to deny the Colchester forward and secure himself another clean sheet. The skipper described the Broxbourne performance as ‘perfect’ and the coach was very pleased with a professional effort and the way the team bounced back after last weeks difficult result. A great day all round, with the majority of the team heading back to Broxbourne to celebrate their ‘perfect’ performance. The players were even treated to a Savanna like sunset on the drive home. Sam Groves received the coveted dick of the day vote and got to celebrate by going to a quiz, rather than celebrating with his teammates. Charlie won man of the match, proving that if you attend training, you might get better at hockey. A great day all round and as Sam once said, ‘It’s the magic of the club’.

Ladies 5s vs Hertford 4 - 3-1 win

Yep, you read that right! WE WON! What a game!

We had rain, a beautiful sunset, a full rainbow and 3 goals…. Coming away from our home match last week we were really positive about how we are starting to play. The score last week was disappointing for us as we felt we deserved a better result.

So, this week, we were away to Hertford for a 4pm game. We were slightly concerned as the rain was torrential on our way there, but it stopped and held off until the second half.

We were lucky enough to be fielding a team of 14 this week with a sub for each line including the last-minute addition of Ava (thank you Ava – hope you enjoyed the game!). It was clear from the outset that Hertford had a fast, skilful, youthful team and the defensive line were having to put in 150% to keep them at bay. They broke a number of times and were quick to fire at the goal. However, Hannah G was on form again this week keeping a clean sheet in the first half with some excellent saves!

With Hertford pushing a lot of their players forward it meant that they were leaving themselves short at the back, with a lot of space for us to play into. We were able to break into this space on a number of occasions, either with some cracking runs, nice strong hits or by turning the ball over and using the space. The first goal came after Amy took the ball past a number of Hertford players and made a great strike at goal whilst under pressure. This headed towards the goalie but was stopped. However, Milly was on hand to poke it past the goalie to make it 0-1 at half time.

The half time team talk mainly comprised of ‘just keep going’ and ‘carry on with what you’re doing’.

For almost all of the second half, Hertford seem to be camped in our half. They were strong, fast and in force. From a defensive perspective it felt like they had 5 forwards and 10 mids! They were awarded a number of short corners but these were all kept out of the goal. Credit to Teagan for running 1 each time, coming out at break-neck speed to put the striker under pressure.

However, the Hertford pressure paid off with them scoring from some well put together open play. We didn’t give up though and, now with even more space at the other end, we made a series of breaks. There was some great interplay by the Brox players and this resulted in 2 almost carbon-copy goals when Amber ran the ball into the D, passed to Charlotte and she put the ball past the goalie on both occasions.

The celebrations at the final whistle would have led you to think that we had won the Olympic gold medal. Hugs all round for everyone (supporters included!) What a game! Let’s hope it continues for the last 5 games of the season…

Sunday 11th February

Away Cup Fixtures

Ladies 2s vs South Berkshire 2 - 2-1 win

**To the tune of Billy Joel’s “We didn’t start the fire”**

Shakey start with foot in D, short corner, deary me
But Baz is queen, made epic save, with her eyes tight shut.
Olivia won us a flick, which Jess then scored, it was sick
She got skills, Millie pulls, wedgie from her butt.

Super work came from Meg T, was great to have back Megan B,
Hannah that, stick stop, is on the wrong side.
Darcy had a cracking game, Lily saved our neck again,
Our new press, a success, we were allied.

We just won our cup game
Against South Berks Hockey, played the 2s from Brocky
We just won our cup game
We enjoyed a bit of sun, and scooped up a win 2-1

Second half, started well, Hannah’s runs were really swell
Short corner, gave us, another big chance
Straight to left where Ella, sweeped to Em, was stella,
Connected, deflected, scored and did a little dance.

We just won our cup game
Against South Berks Hockey, played the 2s from Brocky
We just won our cup game
We enjoyed a bit of sun, and scooped up a win 2-1

The person who won player, was p flick Jess the slayer,
And big thanks went to Poppy, for coaching us today.
Emily got donkey, for a few things that went wonky
Ball in face, big disgrace, things just didn’t go her way.

But we just won our cup game
Against South Berks Hockey, played the 2s from Brocky
We just won our cup game
We tried to bring it, and were gassed to win it!

Mixed vs Harpenden - 4-0 win

On a sunny Sunday afternoon, the mixed side made the trip to Harpenden. Preparation for the game wasn’t the best due to a late call to change the kit Saturday night by the skipper, having realised that Harpenden play in white, and sky blue might clash. This was met with a few unhappy comments from some of the team as they’d put on a wash load to make sure it was clean. Despise the late change everyone turned up in pink apart from Sam, who was complaining that he’d packed his back on Friday, meaning he’d only got blue with him. This was therefore not his fault. Due to the late change, we were all in the wrong, saying he hadn’t seen the message. It was later found out he had also not packed a towel. Not sure that can be our fault as well.
Due to there only being one changing room for each team the gents showed their manners by standing in the corridor while the ladies got ready, then headed in to chat about the game ahead. This sense of being one team led to Brox deciding to warm up together. A first for the mixed team, who usually, despite the name, stay as boys and girls as long as possible. It started off a bit uncoordinated, but by the end we were looking like a well-oiled machine that played regularly together. Maybe this is the missing piece Brox needed to make it all the way in the cup.
The game started well with Brox looking the stronger of the two teams. Brox looked great in their dark pink strip and Sam looked even better in the bib that had ben provided. Brox had some good chances and should have been a couple up in the early stages. There was a goal mouth scramble with Bib Boy hitting it against the keeper, it rebounded to Ellie, but she couldn’t get it across the line. Super sub, Jack came to the rescue when he made a deep run into the D to pick up a ‘pass’ from Reggie to slot the ball into the back of an empty net. With the game starting to heat up, the ever-reliable Ladies club captain, Em, stepped up to make it 2-0 to give Brox a firm grip on the tie and a glimpse of us being in the draw for the next round.
The second half was more of the same from Brox. We had the lion share of the ball and worked it around nicely between all of us. The Broxbourne pressure was mounting but the shots weren’t quite hitting the target. Some well worked short corner routines could only force good saves from the Harpenden keeper. That was until Toby managed to get on the score sheet after a very nice Brox move, showing us his trademark reverse stick shooting ability. The final goal came from Bib Boy after winning the ball high up and finishing off a fine counterattack. Nads tried to nick it off the line but had a last-minute change of heart, not wanting to make Sam’s day any worse than it already was.
4-0 and into the next round.

Coming up next week…

Tuesday 13th February

Home Fixtures
8:30pm - Ladies 1s vs Blueharts 1

Saturday 17th February

Home Fixtures
10am - Ladies 5s vs Saffron Walden 5
11.30am - Ladies 4s vs Blueharts 5
1pm - Mens 3s vs Welwyn Garden City 2

Away Fixtures
1:30pm - Ladies 1s vs London Edwardians [Cup - Last 16]

Further reading